Thursday, June 12, 2008


It was pretty dull and grey out most of the day today, then this afternoon the wind pick up. Though we were going to loose the patio chairs, wow . The BBQ cover blew off, that's windy LOL.... Kids were kids, running around etc...should have known that it would rain...hehe.... Went to my fit-ball class tonight , boohoo, sad ,,, this was the last one for the summer and they start up again in September but,,,,,well,,,, were moving to Ontario, so my last one here.... that was weird... had a great super duper workout though, Thanks a whole lot and more to Denise, she rocks.........Came home and had to tidy up, need to keep house very is showing tomorrow night....ummm we'll see, maybe more on the weekend..Oh, too few pics this am of some Lady Slippers (or moccasins).... and I just had to start another quilt HEHE..can't put that away, have to start something that I can do by hand , so I can put stuff away (umm that's hard for me) .... anyhoot Ciao , salut, bonsoir, adios, good evening til tomorrow........

Scrappy Brights "Topsey Turvey"

Kids Bright Colorful

Pretty slippers (don't fit me LOL)

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