Friday, April 25, 2008


Here's the scoop, today wasn't too bad outside, sun was out and about and melting away that white stuff LOL gotta love that. I kinda felt like a dog playing with his tail hehe. going in circles, did however get another container sorted and put away but the rest of the day was running around (of course that's Friday's for me) went and got myself adjusted (felt great), had sore lower back but better now.... Oh I found a treasure outside. See my picture.. TTYL

Below: WOOHOO buds, tried many years to dig these lonely tulips, , never did find bulbs so decided to leave them, maybe was good thing I'll have a few flowers early.

Still snow hanging in the veggie garden BLAH

1 comment:

Robin L said...

I so hope your snow goes away, ours is mostly gone and ground thawed but cant get rid of those dang snow flakes that keep falling.