Beside it being gloomy, greyish outside most of the day ,, had a great day...Did a bit of running around ,,, but mostly did relaxing stuff...kinda hehe... I'm working still on the jean quilt patching up ,, asked son, why he wanted this one fixed and didn't want the new (old jeans) rag quilt...he himmed and hummed,,, and said liked the feel of the old one...humm I said, are you maybe sentimental with it...he again said humm, ok maybe....too patching up this one and thinking would take me less time to make a whole new'll have to consider this once we get us settled in somewhere LOL....sooo for now just patching and patching and............In between , went out and ventured to my sister's neighbor's yard (while they were gone to work) and worked my (ps: I also know them and it's ok to explore their garden per the Hepps) are just a few....enjoy and maybe if I can ,,I'll venture a little further , humm many good gardens around these PS: blogging late, we are now having to SHARE the laptop,,,,,hummm isn't that funny, old folks now have to share...boy,,,, I'll have to buy another one soon or ???? sooooo,,,, Ciao, Adios, Salute, Nighty night, Bonsoirs mes amis.....
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, Monday...
Well, another early morning today,,,,went with hubby to Winnipeg for a check up with the urologist... Everything looks good... Went to the mall there (Polo Park) walked and more walking, found Black's is photography store...Wow, could have spent a fortune, many cool things for my Nikon (d40)...did buy a filter and a lcd protector, for now..LOL Also got my good friend Denise, a little something for her birthday today LOL...Happy Birthday Ill post a few pics and Ciao , Salute, Adios, Night ,,, bonsoirs mes amis til tomorrow......
Few of my sister's flowers (marigolds)
Oh, bruised myself ouch... swollen ankle
Pride hurt lol (fell off the truck tailgate) loading up for dump LOL
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Well, it's about Time, she says LOL...Sorry didn't get to blog this last week,....wayyyy too pooped.. did however go for great walks with Denise in the am and was energized enough to keep on trucking.... LOL Today was one of the many woohoo days, the trailer is packed, house is empty and really clean, and same for the garage.... had my agent do a walk through the house with me to make sure everything was good to go..and of course it was so therefore, humm kindly handed him the keys... As I told a few people...I'm homeless (but that's ok) , living out of a suitcase (at my sister's) LOL and waiting and now I can relax before our next venture..... I did take a few pics and posting some...hehe...I will also this week get my Kenmore machine out and try my best in patching up #1 son (Phillip) his jean quilt, so he can stop asking LOL.....(will have to pack the machine in the truck ahhhtoo bad LOL) I've had a few get togethers with my quilting friends and curling girls and this week with my fitball crew (which I will greatly miss) , blogging is wonderful way of keeping in touch and seeing what my friend is up to and visy versa... but for now will have to visit as much as possible ... til tomorrow,,,,, Ciao, Adios, Salute, Night, Bonsoirs mes amis........
Oh what tangled webb we weave, when we practice to decive??
Cool color spider on the peony
Cool pics thanks to Denise's ideas
Monday, July 21, 2008
Well, today was a very hot day,, especially packing up the trailer, one more day and I think we got that part done..Went earlier this am for a gorgeous walk with Denise.. just right temperature. Felt good, then started to do the trailer, humm sweating wasn't' the word LOL,, lots of good color bruises on my legs , very pretty hehe,,,not paying attention Lise , oh well, let's just do the moving...... just posting few minutes and few pictures of grandson's ice cream eating dish of yesterday....soooo,,, Ciao, Salute, Adios, Goodnight Irene and Bonsoirs mes amis , til tomorrow.....
ummm,,,nummy ice cream
Ohhhh,,,, roses
Mock Orange is blooming and smell really pretty
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wow, beautiful day, hot one. LOL... been very,very busy. Organizing and started to pack in the trailor. In between, hummm darling daughter calls and advises she unable to start her car...soo,,,, away we go, hubby checked , and she needs a starter... Packed the daughter and boys into the truck and came over to amma's for afternoon, then supper.. Now started to pack the trailor again,, boy 2 steps forward and 1 back... going to go relax in tub and maybe not get out for hummm ......long time???? HEHE... so Ciao, Adios, Salute, Night, And Bonsoirs mes amis...til we talk OHH...PS: yard sale, gave lots away still have lots to giveth so will call different places and donate the rest.........and donating to daughter, car started and labour....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Crazy Lady???
Ok, so call me crazy, umm I am.... I said no more yard sale lol,,,well need to, you know, kidda get lighter, downsizing, packing and moving in we get to where were going,,, no more, no how... unless someone comes over and does this for me (NOT)....can wait to be done...We will start loading the trailer up this weekend, once all done then will go stay at sister's and I will relax before the move...humm, maybe have a glass of wine or two, with a friend..I hope... Just a short one again, but will report back tomorrow ...Last chance sale... anyone interested in doing this,,,,, go for it, but remember, try doing this with a friend that way it would make it a lot funner LOL....Ciao, Adios, Salute....Bonsoirs mes amis...a demain...... Opps forgot to change size of tomorrow..
painted toes hehe
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More flowers
Same old same old,,,pack, pack and more sorting and downsizing..... boring for you to read,,,did get a suggestion from Haze re: something to travel with...she suggested red work to do that so,, will find something in my patterns and get one started for the road ...Thanks Hazel... So short and sweet, my blogging will be better as soon as mid next week LOL.. so Ciao, Adios, Salute, Bonsoir mes amies....til we blog
Try new size of pictures, let me know what yous all think EH!!
white poppy ................ golden globe flower
Try new size of pictures, let me know what yous all think EH!!
Roses (can't remember name) LOL
white poppy ................ golden globe flower
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ok, today did way,,,, got up early to bring hubby to work so I could have the wheels,,, son has other wheels to go to work too...I headed out to Jan's place and had a good little visit, learned and Shared .... went home, washed good china and crystal glasses and more china and glasses,,, packed and packed LOL.... I'm seeing some progress LOL... Went for a good walk with Denise, and she shared ideas and how to'ssssss...boy, you'd think I would have enough, but, Oh no, not me,,, need to learn and ask and more hehehehe and of course, the mosquitoes had their feast tonight mostly D's legs .....sorry might be boring you but funny how,now I can see maybe I'm too inquisitive but oh well, love to learn more ..... Thank you Jan and Denise for a wonderful day. (see Denise's new site , great pictures at she also has a blog at : , Jan did have a website , but I'm not sure if it's still up... I'll have to check with her...... Today is short and sweet just wanted to Share my day.... Salute, Ciao, Bonsoirs mes amies...
wild geraniums
Malva Pirouette
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pins anyone
Well, sorry didn't get blogging yesterday, did however, read lots of bloggers and camera stuff...Was beautiful sunny morning but rained tonight...went for a beautiful walk with Denise and Donna (D's mom) wonderful til it rained on us...thanks to Denise she went and got her car and picked up Donna and I at the was fun even in the rain...LOL.... Yesterday I was to anxious and not sure what to blog about, kidda was on PINs and needles, waiting for answers so I can share the news........ Soooo I now can tell everyone ...HOUSE IS SOLD....soo I'll be a little busy packing and such but will try to blog as much as I can....I'll be looking for something to do while travelling and also staying at my sisters for couple of weeks before moving provinces...closing date is august 1 and need to stay til aug 6 or 7th..... If anyone has any suggestion on what I can keep myself busy with (no not with a machine) LOL ..please feel free to leave me a to hear good ideas......sooo Adios, Ciao, Salute, Night, Bonsoir mes amis...tata til tomorrow...
T3 Mine (Vale Inco) Hubby's work place
underground mechanic/industrial and heavyduty
T1 Mine (main one)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Ok so it was raining again today, getting pretty gloomy, need to get sunshine even if it's for one day...LOL would prefer more...Isn't this like,,,July???? does anyone know how to get a hold of this Mother Nature to let her (or Him) know what season this is??? If it were only that easy eh!!
So,,, no suggestions yet re: son's jean quilt HUMMM maybe will have to google it... It finally got nice this evening...stopped raining somewhat , sooo went out to venture with my new camera,,, I think I can take basic for now but also need to play around with my photo shop element program , boy,, you would think at my age I'd know everything LOL...I love to learn new thing on how, what, where , when and why'ssss.....and I plan on doing this, well,,, for as long as I'm around to do so..LOL here's a few pictures of flowers and will do better on blogging tomorrow...LOL.......soooo,,,, Ciao, Adios, Salute, Ta ta, Nighty, and Bonsoir mes amis....
....Yellow Dayllies....................Morden roses
So,,, no suggestions yet re: son's jean quilt HUMMM maybe will have to google it... It finally got nice this evening...stopped raining somewhat , sooo went out to venture with my new camera,,, I think I can take basic for now but also need to play around with my photo shop element program , boy,, you would think at my age I'd know everything LOL...I love to learn new thing on how, what, where , when and why'ssss.....and I plan on doing this, well,,, for as long as I'm around to do so..LOL here's a few pictures of flowers and will do better on blogging tomorrow...LOL.......soooo,,,, Ciao, Adios, Salute, Ta ta, Nighty, and Bonsoir mes amis....
....Yellow Dayllies....................Morden roses
Alaskan Daisies.......................Shasta Daisies
click on the pic and see the different centers
Friday, July 11, 2008
Well, sorry I didn't blog yesterday, will explain this weekend, anyways, playing with my new Nikon D40 is loads of fun, the things that this camera can do is, well, awesome... read up on some of the features and etc....but too many to take in all at once LOL...Just loaded this tutorial program but need to reinstall, hummmm I guess need to refresh myself on how toosss....Had to drop off hubby at airport last night to go to Winnipeg for follow up re his AVM ( "arterial venus malformation" not sure of the right spelling) , he had gotten this new gamma knife surgery (not actually under a real knife) but very updated stuff man...anyhow he needed to have it checked to make sure it's all gone..etc.......Ok now I have taken pictures of my son's quilt. I have made him a jean quilt one and he won't use it...he says "Mom, I love my old one" please can you patch it up...Oh boy, he's now 27yrs old and still can't part with his fav quilt....My question is ladies, gents, kids, aliens, clowns, people HEHE,,,HELP,,,,how should I patch this, please take a look at the Pictures??? THANKS .......don't be scared to leave some comments......for now,,,adios, Ciao, Bonsoir mes amis, Good night,,,,,,,
Humm, did I say it got torn by the dog running around on Phil's bed HEHE and yep, their is more on the other side.....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Boy oh boy, sure is something else to sort and pack and sort and whew, can't believe this. My brain feels like it's fried, umm or scrambled or maybe poached. LOL I ordered a beautiful Nikon Digital SLR camera , using my airmiles last Thursday, received an email today saying it was on it's way, I was excited. We are northern Manitoba, things mailed to us from Ontario usually takes 10 days (from family in sudbury), welllllll, this white van pulled up in the driveway and I saw and said to hubby yippee it's here... and yes folks, it only took 6th days to get it... Now I'm really excited, reading and reading, need to put the program on comp. so I can go through the tutorials and also learning from Denise is great... tomorrow will be hectic but will make every effort to get few minutes to play ....hehe... soooo to picture of it with the fuji digital and will pass this one on to hubby, umm maybe he'll take up some hobby , is the camera. Also went to a good walk tonight with friend Denise, and of course the mosquitoes had a good meal from us, hehe...have to remember to put on bug spray or something any suggestions other than pesticide??? let me know and I'll be more than happy to give it a shot, maybe that email someone sent me , using listerine??I'll smell good hehe.....nite , Ciao, Salute, bonsoir mes amis and Good night John boy,,,,,lol
Ok so I put the cap on backwards heehee
just had to pull it out, need a memory card didn't come with it
that's ok, tomorrow LOL
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
dear oh dear
Dear oh Dear, busy bee is,,, just a few notes today... sure was busy and time flew by so quickly it was almost like a blurrrrr LOL..., Trying to get things organized, yep again and more and more...has anyone thought their household was good and organized and well,, thinking nothing of adding to your I didn't know how much we accumulated over the years and finding things I forgot we had and I guess we probably shouldn't have bought because never used it...I'm sure I'm not alone....Boy need to remind myself when going shopping to stop and ask if we need it or want it....oh well hubby wants another yard sale end of month and Whew I think we have enough to get rid of and yes I did say not again..hopefully not but well see...LOL SOOOO no sewing today but hoping to get some in tomorrow in between packing again...,... til tomorrow...God night Gracies (hehe) had to say that,,, Ciao, Salute, and of course Nighty nite...
Thanks for listening
Monday, July 7, 2008
1 more??
Well, chilly day, is it July or??? umm, shouldn't complain though, could be worse LOL. Well today was Dave's (hubby) and Phillip's birthday, yep 27 years ago I gave Dave a very expensive gift, a son (3rd child, other 2 are girls) hehe... Dave is now 55 woohoo he's now officially a senior... I'm not moving to his level for quite a few years yet.... Anyways, went for a short visit with another quilting and gardening, creative friend Jan... she has wonderful gardens and her hubby has a beautiful pond.... wow great people.. Wanted to go for a great walk with Denise but thought the weather was lousy, the wind was gusting and was sure that we would get dump (rain) on... We did however had a little celebration for the boys.....Happy Birthday buddies.......Love Me..Oh, ps: made another little bag (thanks to Denise's little give away , pretty fabric) just couldn't resist Thanks again...
Happy Birthday (opps didn't put any fancy decorations sorry)
Pretty fabric
Sunday, July 6, 2008
One more
Beautiful day today, woke up to sunshine, a little breeze and wow, what else could you want...Went for a nice walk with a few great ladies, Denise, Donna and Diana, hummm all D's hehe,,, was a nice time...In between did some cutting and sewing, and yes it was another bag, this bag is a "grab bag" I got this pattern months ago on line at What fun it is to do something I'm also in training mode for this photo program, pretty neat stuff you can do with your ...anyhoot blogging late and here's pics of this grab bag...ttyl...Talk to you later. Ciao, Salute, Bonsoir and nightie nite...LOL Just a short blog for today..
And Voila a "Grab Bag"
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