Finally feels like Spring around here, even smells like it .... Well last weekend I went to an awesome quilt retreat (3days) woohooo... the quilt pattern that was being taught was "Northern Neighbors" by Deb Tucker and our certified teacher Carla Alexiuk... Meet a lot of new quilters (to me) from various places including North Bay, Sault St Marie and more.. Carla has been several times to PA in the States for her courses and get certified for teaching her methods... WOW love the patterns and rulers, they make quilting so much more fun .. Got accurate points and all lolol... I also made from the rulers and pattern the Hunter Star runner and quilt (top needs to be quilted) made out of batiks :)... so much I want to do so little hours in a day.... Just thought I'd do a quick post and also add some pics..
Ciao, Adios, Salue, Night and Bonsoir