Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 2

Day 2 for DJ, ouch for him....I really think that this little guy deserves a metal. He hasn't complained about not being able to run around, or pain or anything else. Really great kid. Even Chase is patiently waiting for DJ to play with, he keeps going to him and hugging and talking (alien talk sometimes LOL).. Did however get few minutes to take pic and throw in few loads of laundry. Went to fitball (exercise class, great stuff too.) Denise gave us a great workout. Felt energized after. Thanks again D... This evening I also went to a candle party... LOL didn't need it, but bought something anyway ha... isn't that always what happens LOL... Now I'm getting ready for tomorrow , no kids, maybe can do more in the basement and organizing.. hopefully don't get distracted lol..Chow for now. enjoy the rest of the evening.

aahh I guess this will be put away, unlesssss, no can't do that HEHE

I'm BBQ'ng this weekend for sure....Yahoo

Wow look what I found , my willow chairs and my little skipper girl... Opp need to pick up the landmines tomorrow again..... LOL

1 comment:

Denise said...

Can you fit anymore into one evening....have a nice Friday off...